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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Summer 2022, Volume 25, Number 1

Hidden Voices: How Chinese Immigrant Educators Implement Culturally Inclusive Practices in U.S. Classrooms
Wing Shuen Lau, Kristine Gritter
In this article, we investigate Chinese immigrant teachers' cross-national education experiences in determining the implementation of culturally inclusive practices in U.S. classrooms. Based on a critical framework of culturally responsive teaching, findings of our multiple-case study indicated our participants regard teaching in the U.S. as less certain as a vocation and regard Asian teacher educators in the U.S. as critical bridges to teaching language in the U.S. Although all participants had extensive training in second language teaching, they noted gaps in knowledge of American student culture. The participants also indicated that an ideal classroom was a place of cultural harmony where divergent views could be valued and shared. Given that extremely limited published research exists documenting how Chinese immigrant teachers conceptualize and practice culturally responsive teaching, this study is an entry to understanding the experiences of Chinese immigrant educators in the U.S.
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ISSN: 1526-8659