Michigan Water Environment Association

Upcoming Events - Michigan Water Environment Association
Event Type:

September 2024

Events available for Registration...

MSU/ MWEA Watershed Management Certification Program
3/27/2017 - 12/31/2025
register for this event...

2024 Operations Challenge Team Sponsorship
1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

Online Registration has been Temporarily Suspended for this event

FALL 2024 Exam Prep Courses
7/1/2024 - 11/7/2024
register for this event...

FALL 2024 Operator Training Classes
7/4/2024 - 12/31/2024
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MWEA Northern MI Wastewater Operators Seminar

Registration has Closed for this event.

Riding2NOLA- (Riding to New Orleans)

Registration is Coming Soon for this event

MWEA Collections Seminar
register for this event...

MWEA / MI-AWWA Maintenance Seminar
register for this event...

MWEA/MI-AWWA Annual Lab Practices Seminar
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MWEA Watershed & Stormwater Seminar
register for this event...

2025 Wastewater Administrators Conference SPONSOR / EXHIBITOR Registration
1/23/2025 - 1/24/2025

Registration has Closed for this event.

Events in the next 60 days...

Register today for the 2024 Northern MI Wastewater Seminar!

Expert-Led Sessions | Continuing Education | Networking | Employee Engagement

The seminar provides opportunities for wastewater operators, techs, managers, and environmental professionals to learn about the latest technologies, regulations, best practices, what’s happening around Northern Michigan. Sessions are led by experienced professionals and experts who share valuable insights, case studies, and lessons learned. This provides attendees with practical knowledge that can be applied to their own facilities or operations. Vendors and suppliers often showcase the latest equipment, processes, and problem-solving solutions.

Attending the seminar helps build a sense of community among wastewater professionals in Northern Michigan. It fosters relationships that can lead to collaborative problem-solving and support in times of need. Engaging with peers and learning about new advancements and success stories can be motivating and energizing, helping attendees to return to their jobs with renewed enthusiasm and a fresh perspective.

Click here for the FULL AGENDA

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Northern MI Operator Seminar SPONSORS

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Northern MI Operator Seminar EXHIBITORS
BioTech Agronomics
Clearbrooke Technologies
DuBois Cooper Associates
F&V Operations and Resource Management
Haviland Products Company
Metiri Group
Torishima Service Solutions of Michigan
Trace Analytical Laboratories
Waterworks Systems & Equipment

*Exhibit space is sold-out, but sponsorships are still available and provide you with signage and an opportunity to provide a 60-second update to the audience

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EXAM PREP CLASSES provide an intensive overview and study guide on major treatment processes related to operations, laboratory and management principles and procedures. These classes are designed to promote passing the EGLE Municipal Wastewater Operator Certification Exam.

Bill Wyngaert

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 3168

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $360
*Non-member - $460

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Jeff Heston

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 3166

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $180
*Non-member - $280

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Save the date for the Eli Wygant Annual Golf Outing!

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Riding to the City of New Orleans (Riding2NOLA) is a cycling event planned to begin in May of 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We plan to start cycling from our home in Grand Rapids and ride a total of 1,074 miles. That is the distance from Grand Rapids to New Orleans, site of WEFTEC 2024. The difference is that our cycling will not actually take us to New Orleans. Instead, we will log the 1,074 miles on Michigan’s beautiful system of bicycle trails. This keeps us safely out of traffic. It also makes it much easier to arrange our overnight accommodations since we can use our home as a base for those trails near Grand Rapids.

The goal of the fundraiser is to raise $10,740 for Water For People (WFP). The ride is self-funded by the cycling team of Gary and Linda De Kock from Grand Rapids, so all sponsorship donations go directly to benefit WFP. The American Water Works Association helped to establish Water For People in 1991 and WFP is a Charity of Choice of the Water Environment Federation (WEF).

To support the voyage, visit our Ripple Effect webpage which can be found on the Water For People website. The fundraiser will finish by October 9, 2024, the last day of WEFTEC. Gary and Linda will post videos and updates on the Paddle With Purpose River Voyages Facebook page so you can follow along.
  • GOLD SPONSOR - $2,000 Visual recognition at the Water For People WEFTEC 2024 booth Gold level visual recognition at the 2024 MWEA Annual Conference Listing on Paddle With Purpose Facebook page
  • SILVER SPONSOR - $1000 Silver level visual recognition at the 2024 MWEA Annual Conference Listing on Paddle With Purpose Facebook page
  • BRONZE SPONSOR - $500 Bronze level visual recognition at the 2024 MWEA Annual Conference Listing on Paddle With Purpose Facebook page
Pledges to Riding to the City of New Orleans can be paid directly to MWEA-Riding2NOLA, 5815 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911, or through the WFP Ripple Effect webpage The final deadline for pledge payment is October 9, 2024. Contact Gary De Kock at gdekock@gmail.com for sponsorship opportunities and questions. Thanks for helping!

The Riding2NOLA event will raise funds for Water For People, a WEF charity of choice, whose mission is to promote the development of high quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. https://www.waterforpeople.org/


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EXAM PREP CLASSES provide an intensive overview and study guide on major treatment processes related to operations, laboratory and management principles and procedures. These classes are designed to promote passing the EGLE Municipal Wastewater Operator Certification Exam.

Nathan Callison

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 3168

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $460
*Non-member - $560

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EXAM PREP CLASSES provide an intensive overview and study guide on major treatment processes related to operations, laboratory and management principles and procedures. These classes are designed to promote passing the EGLE Municipal Wastewater Operator Certification Exam.

Nate Turner

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 3168

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $460
*Non-member - $560

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EXAM PREP CLASSES provide an intensive overview and study guide on major treatment processes related to operations, laboratory and management principles and procedures. These classes are designed to promote passing the EGLE Municipal Wastewater Operator Certification Exam.

Instructor: Larry Sundling

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 3168

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $360
*Non-member - $460

more info...

Jared Grabinski

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 2598

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $180
*Non-member - $280

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Mark Houle

CEC Information:
0.6 WW Technical
Code: 2598

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $180
*Non-member - $280

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Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on the latest techniques, technologies, and best practices for efficient and effective wastewater collection system operations. The seminar also offers opportunities to network with peers and industry experts, enhancing professional development and operational skills.

WHO should attend? The MWEA Collections Seminar is designed for professionals involved in the maintenance and management of wastewater collection systems including: Operators, Maintenance Personnel, Engineers, and Supervisors/Managers

Click here to view the full agenda


THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Collections Seminar SPONSORS
Sponsors Coming Soon

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Collections Seminar EXHIBITORS
Doetsch Environmental Services
Eganix, Inc
JGM Valve Corporation

Taplin Group

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Municipal A and B:  4-HOUR REVIEW CLASS - This is an extra Q and A opportunity with an experienced instructor before the exam date. The 4 hours is used to re-cover any topics or practice problems that you want. 

*Must have taken an Exam Prep class to attend the Review class

Mark Houle

CEC Information:

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $50

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Municipal C and D: 4-HOUR REVIEW CLASS - This is an extra Q and A opportunity with an experienced instructor before the exam date. The 4 hours is used to re-cover any topics or practice problems that you want. 

*Must have taken an Exam Prep class to attend the Review class

Nathan Callison

CEC Information:

Registration Costs:
MWEA/WEF Member - $50

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Register today for the 2024 Maintenance Seminar!

Expert-Led Sessions | Problem Solving | Networking | Employee Engagement

In collaboration with industry experts, this seminar is designed to empower water and wastewater professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in electrical maintenance. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to refresh your expertise or a newcomer looking to build a strong foundation, this seminar has something for everyone.

The seminar provides a platform to connect with other professionals in the field, such as operators, maintenance personnel, engineers, and utility managers. Networking can lead to sharing experiences, forming partnerships, and staying updated on industry trends. Engaging with peers and learning about new advancements and success stories can be motivating and energizing, helping attendees to return to their jobs with renewed enthusiasm and a fresh perspective.
This year's theme is Pumps!

Click here for the FULL AGENDA

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Maintenance Seminar SPONSORS
Sponsor Space Still Available
(11/1 deadline)

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Maintenance Seminar EXHIBITORS
Detroit Pump & Mfg. Co.
JGM Valve Corporation
Kennedy Industries
Torishima Service Solutions of Michigan


Exhibit Booth space is still available.

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Join us for the 2024 Laboratory Practices Seminar to stay at the forefront of water quality testing and analysis! This event is a must-attend for professionals seeking to enhance their skills, learn about the latest techniques and technologies, and network with industry experts. Gain invaluable insights into best practices, regulatory updates, and innovative solutions that can elevate your laboratory's performance.

WHO should attend? Operators, Managers/Supervisors, Lab Techs, Chemists, Sales Representatives, and Environmental Analysts.

Final agenda coming soon...
Click here to view the full agenda (link coming soon)

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Lab Practices Seminar SPONSORS
Sponsors Coming Soon

THANK YOU TO OUR 2024 Lab Practices Seminar EXHIBITORS
ALS Environmental
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

Trace Analytical Laboratories, Inc

more info...

(Includes Seminars, Committee Meetings, Training Workshops, and More)