Michigan Water Environment Association

MWEA Committee Application
Connecting Michigan's Clean Water Professionals

Network - Problem Solve - Collaborate - Promote

Join a committee to network with some of the best minds in water. Problem solve with your peers, help plan educational agendas, listen or lead round table discussions, and promote the clean water industry.

There are no minimum qualifications, and MWEA membership is not required for committee participation.
Not an MWEA or WEF/MWEA member? 
Click here for membership options and to join.
For a copy of the committee application to e-mail at a later date, click here (PDF).

Select all that apply
Please provide a summary of qualifications, education, professional experience, professional registration and service with professional organizations and societies in the spaces below. A few bullet points or a short summary will suffice.
(Word limit: 2000)
Thank you for your interest to get more involved with MWEA ! ! !
This form will be submitted to the MWEA office and will be distributed to the corresponding groups you selected.