Nomination for the NEFA Outstanding Dissertation Award
The National Education Finance Academy (NEFA) invites nominations from either chairs or members of the dissertation committees for the NEFA Outstanding Dissertation Award.


To be considered, the dissertation must:
  • Focus on P-20 school finance concerns
  • Contain a comprehensive and relevant review of applicable education finance literature
  • Demonstrate a methodologically sound approach
  • Be written in a scholarly style with appropriate documentation

Candidates for the Outstanding Dissertation Award will have defended their dissertation successfully and received their degree between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Nominations are due by December 31, 2023.
The winner will be presented with a plaque at the NEFA Annual Conference and will present the results of their research at a breakout session.
The award winner's conference registration fee will be waived.

Nomination for the NEFA Outstanding Dissertation Award Form

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