Event Registration - Connecticut Association of Assessing Officers
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Annual School for Connecticut Assessors and Boards of Assessment Appeals
6/1/2021 - 6/4/2021
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST
View Event Itinerary
Event Description
Registrations, along with payment or a signed approved purchase order, must be received by May 24, 2021.  Available payment methods are by check and PayPal.  PayPal is available to use during the registration process.  If payment or a signed approved purchase order are not received as of the deadline date your registration will be cancelled.
Payment for the 2021 Assessor School Workshops should be made to:
c/o Pam Deziel, School 2021
Town Hall
10 Kenea Ave
Wolcott, CT 06716

Workshops     In-person $375/week.  Virtual $300/week.   $100 daily for either.
Tuesday AM   Cannabis = Farm or Manufacturing
Tuesday PM   Affordable Rent Restricted Property Value

Wednesday AM  History of Personal Property Assessment in CT
Wednesday PM  Tax Appeals and Cap Rates

Thursday AM  Dark Store/ Retail Dead or Alive
Thursday PM  CAMA Standard/GIS

Friday AM  PA 490/Sea Level Rise 
Friday PM  Maintaining Ownership on Assessment Records 

If your payment and/or your approved purchase order is not received by May 24, 2021, you will not be allowed to attend the Workshops.
For workshops please make checks payable to CAAO 
For classes please make checks payable to CCMA committee 

Workshop Descriptions:
Dark Store/Retail Dead or Alive? 3 hours
The workshop will examine “dark store theory”, an argument that property owners use to lower their property taxes throughout the country.  We will discuss the pros and cons of dark store theory, as well as how municipalities and courts are addressing the issue.  Presenters:  Chris Kerin & David Herbst
CAMA Standard/GIS Workshop  3 hours
This Workshop will provide an overview on the benefits to be had by adopting a CAMA report.  The challenges associated with developing such a standard.  The actual development of the standard and going through the report. Collaborative session on how to further improve the standard, unforeseen issues, etc. GIS presentation will include how the CAMA standard ties into various stakeholder’s use of the data and how the Assessor is the  building block of all parcel data.  Presenters:  Eric Lindquist, Patrick Santoso and Mike Towle. 
Cap Rates and Tax Appeals 3 hours
The Tax Appeals and Cap Rates Workshop is directed towards negotiating cap rates in tax appeal matters because the vast majority of tax appeals settle.  The same principles would be used at trial but with more evidential rigor.  Presenters:  James Stredonsky, Patrick Wellspeak & John Valente
Sea Level Rise in CT/What does it mean to property values?  1.5 hours
Julianna Barret of Uconn's Sea Grant program.  She will be presenting on sea level rise, causes & impacts, and showing different viewers (tools) that can be easily accessed and how to understand the impacts.
Diane Ifkovic, of CT DEEP, Land and Water Division will present on the basic overview of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), covering the three components of the program: floodplain mapping, flood regulations and flood insurance.  She will pay particular attention to areas of interest to assessors: elevation certificates, map changes, substantial improvements, flood insurance premiums affecting property values.
Real Estate Title  3 hours
Maintaining Assessment Records
This 3 hour program has been designed to provide the knowledge of how and what can change title.  The workshop will delve into the various classes of deeds, the structure of the deed and identify the pertinent details.  This session will be a great resource for those new in the assessment field or as a great refresher for the veteran assessment professional. 
Instructor:  Helen Totz, CCMAII
History of Personal Property Assessment in Connecticut  3 hours
On behalf of the Personal Property Committee, Steve Kosofsky, CCMAII, will present the History of Personal Property - Bill # 6952 in 1999, which set in the statutes the methodology of assessing personal property;  it established the audit procedures and defined the processes of the personal property declaration
Presenters:  Steve Kososfsky, CCMAII  Assessor Town of Newington
                       Charles B. Feldman, CCMAII   President Charles B. Feldman & Associates, Inc.
                        Brian Smith, CCMAII Assessor Town of East Hartford
Cannabis = Farm or Manufacturing  3 hours
Discussion on the changes to the cannabis industry and how it relates to assessment.
Presenter:  Michael Goodenough, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of D&K Agtek
Affordable Rent/Restricted Property Values  3 hours
The demand for more affordable housing throughout the world is increasing the need for assessors and appraisers to gain a better understanding of the economics and fiscal constraints of fair valuations. Both tax and public policy issues are involved in understanding the costs and benefits of affordable housing. Learn the issues of this challenging valuation problem and discover potential solutions.
Presenter:  Gary McCabe, CAE
PA 490   1.5 hours
The Public Act 490 Overview Workshop will provide an update on the recent changes to the Public Act.
Presenter:  Chris Martin, Certified State Forester