Calendar of Events

February 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of February 2024
The AAT Committee will be meeting virtually.  Please contact Pam Deziel for the zoom link.
CAAO Executive Board
Thursday, February 22, 2024 (11:00 am arrival) at Sans Souci Restaurant, 2003 North Broadway St, Meriden
Lunch to be served @ 1 pm at the meeting conclusion
Call to Order 11:30 am
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
OPM Report – Martin Heft, Undersecretary for OPM
CCMA Chair
CT IAAO Chapter Report
Committee Reports        
Old Business
New Business
Here is the process to follow for this CAAO Executive Board Committee meeting: 
1.         Exec. Board Members: You are required to email Pam Deziel on or prior to the meeting registration deadline as to whether or not you will be attending the meeting.
2.         Proxy Assignments:  All proxy assignments must be presented to the CAAO Secretary ( in an original signed letter format 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.
3.         Committee Chairs: You are requested to email Pam prior to each Executive Board meeting to report if you are attending and if your committee will give a report.  If you are not attending, please indicate who is attending and also who will give the report.  If you do not email Pam then she will assume that there will be no committee report.
CCMA Monthly meeting - rescheduled from 2/13 due to Snow - this is now a special meeting 
The Bylaws Commmittee will be holding a virtual meeting in Zoom.  Contact Pam Deziel for the meeting link.