The George H.W. Bush Points of Light Awards Celebration Inspiration Honor Roll
This is the perfect opportunity to honor and recognize individuals for their acts of generosity and kindness. Please share the stories of individuals who deserve accolades of honor for their merit and service during these extraordinary times. The nomination deadline is August 31, 2020.
This year’s awards celebration will transition from a traditional seated awards dinner to a livestream experience. We are reminded that in times of disaster, President Bush never hesitated to lead in bringing people from adversity to recovery. This is no less true for the points of light in communities around the world who continue to demonstrate the transformative power of the human spirit through acts of solidarity, generosity and kindness during these unprecedented times.
You are invited to nominate everyday individuals who are responding to these challenges to be recognized in the Inspiration Honor Roll and featured on the website with a photograph and description of their service. You can nominate someone who is a volunteer, a neighbor who helped another, or a frontline worker such as a nurse or grocery store cashier. Points of Light is planning to identify ten of these stories as Inspiration Spotlights that will be recognized during The George H.W. Bush Points of Light Awards Celebration livestream on Sept. 26. Save Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. EDT on your calendars for an inspirational experience.
Points of Light welcomes you to share the opportunity to nominate broadly – here is a link to the social media toolkit. You are welcome to submit more than one nomination by August 31, 2020.
Many thanks,

Beth Pann
Vice President, External Affairs
Points of Light
600 Means Street NW, Suite 210, Atlanta, Georgia 30318
c: 404.432.3575 | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



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