Employee self-check in the morning. If they do not feel well, they must contact their supervisor to report symptoms. If they symptoms include shortness of breath, dry cough and/or fever, they must report this to HR. HR will then follow its COVID-19 employee protocols.
Transportation personnel will use the following process for transporting clients to Curative Connections programming:
All personnel will wear masks during client transports.
Prior to clients boarding the vehicle, personnel will ask clients if they feel well and use a laser scanner to take their temperatures.
If the temperature is below 100.4 they will be allowed to transport.
If the temperature is above 100.4 they will not be allowed to come to Curative for services. Personnel will contact the dispatch office to inform them of the client’s illness. Transportation staff will contact program staff to inform them of the client’s illness.
Curative will communicate with caregivers and clients alike that they must be well before they can be allowed to come to Curative Connections for services.
All people entering the building will be screened for wellness and risk. At the west entrance, all clients and staff will check in at the Meridian temperature reader. Program or nursing staff will use hand held laser thermometers for clients or staff unable to use the Meridian device. People whose temperatures are above 100.4 will not be allowed to remain at Curative.
The building has several additional disinfecting resources in place:
At the building’s entrances there are hand sanitizers that people should use when they enter and exit.
Disinfecting wipes are in place in program spaces, offices and vehicles. Staff should use them regularly.
Programs have disinfecting wipe containers on each table, and staff will wipe down tables mid-morning, after lunch and at the end of the program day, and more frequently as needed.
Each day prior to the beginning of services, the building is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, including bathrooms, floors, surfaces, door handles, and kitchen spaces.
All staff and clients will be required to wear masks. Curative will provide 3 cloth masks for each client; each one will be coded such that clients will have their own masks. As they leave for the day, they will put their masks in a laundry bin situated near the program exit. Facilities staff will wash these masks daily following normal disinfecting cleaning protocols.
Staff and clients alike will maintain physical distancing throughout the day, a minimum of six feet. Our physical space within the programs—which include tables, desks and chairs—will be reconfigured to foster this physical distancing.
For clients who require personal care assistance, staff will wear gloves, face masks and face shields.
Curative will have reminder messaging throughout our building to reinforce hand washing, proper sneeze and cough protocols, and physical distancing.
Curative will provide staff with masks, as well as gloves and face shields when needed for clients who need personal cares.
For people who use our transportation services, drivers will wear masks and have hand held laser thermometers which they will use to check each person’s temperature, adhering to the parameters above. Clients will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear masks. Each of our vehicles will also be equipped with disinfecting wipes; drivers will wipe down surfaces after each trip. For our busses carrying multiple people, no more than three people will be allowed to be transported so that we can maintain the six foot physical distancing.
Club Gabriel/Memory Connections/Memory Reflections Re-opening/Recovery Plan
1. Club Gabriel/Memory Connections/Memory Reflections Member Review
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Follow up phone calls to all current members to determine needs: number of days, hours per day, transportation needs, etc.
Ker Schreiter
Keri initiated follow up calls at the time of temporarily closing on 03.14.20.
Keri continues with biweekly follow up calls.
Plan to discuss a return plan with each responsible party by 05.22.20
03.14.20 and ongoing with 05.29.20 as the date to complete reopening plan.
Club Gabriel: Reduce to a maximum of 8 participants throughout the day (with 2 staff) to maintain the 10 persons gathering and physical distancing guidance. Currently: 37 total members with attendees per day: M-17, T-14, W-17, Th-14, and F-18 Memory Connections: Already established maximum of 8 members with 1 facilitator (no change). Currently: 7 members Memory Reflections: Reduce to a maximum number of 8 or 9 members with 1 or 2 facilitators to maintain no more than 10 person gathering and physical distancing guidance. Currently: Wednesdays – 10 and Fridays - 7
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Plan to re-open Club Gabriel on 06.15.20 with scheduling each member one day per week.
Plan to also discuss options for evening and weekend need to offer additional support options.
Memory Connections and Memory Reflections will begin the week of June 22. Keri and Becky are meeting with Julie and Renee on 06.02.20 to discuss restarting these programs.
Determine criteria for priority attendance with reduced number of maximum attendees in Club Gabriel and Memory Reflections
Keri Schreiter
Will offer at least 1 day per week per member to maintain equity offerings among members
Continue to offer alternative St. Paul At Home services (SPAH, BOB, Med Dispensers, GrandCare, virtual care consultations, etc.) to supplement potential unavailability with reduced number of participants per day
Keri Schreiter
Susan Kazik
Since these services temporarily stopped operating on 05.14.20, Keri and Susan have been making at least biweekly follow up calls with responsible parties. Three members have converted to these other HCBS.
03.14.20 and ongoing
Provide at least a 14-day notice prior to re-opening to ensure social distancing and screening criteria has been met prior to first day of attendance
Keri Schreiter
Conversations have already been initiated and will continue through 05.31.20
Develop an initial and daily education reminder to provide to responsible parties regarding screening criteria, reporting of any symptoms, restrictions on attending if ill with any symptom, and guidance as to when member can return
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Becky and Keri are meeting on 05.21.20 to create the education content and delivery plan
Develop a phone screening process to be implemented prior to arrival to Club Gabriel/Memory Connections/Memory Reflections
Becky Reichelt
Becky and Keri are meeting on 05.21.20 to review the process
Create talking points for associates to utilize kind, gentle reminders for face covering and social distancing support and frequent hand hygiene practices. Create guidance for inability for member to maintain compliance with above.
Becky Reichelt
Becky and Keri are meeting on 05.21.20 to review this education tool
Becky and Keri are meeting with the Club Gabriel staff on 06.10.20
Establish new member criteria
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
New members can begin services 14 days after assessment to ensure screening criteria will have been met.
2. Physical Environment Adaptations
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Target Completion Date
Life Enrichment and MCRC Entrance are currently not being used. Provide Club Gabriel staff door card access to open this door only for Club Gabriel members. Similarly, provide Julie/Renee access to MCRC door with their badges only for Memory Connections and Memory Reflections members.
Keri Schreiter
Keri will meet with Mark and Annie regarding this access process
Create a screening station at LE and MCRC entrances for members
Keri Schreiter
Keri will meet with Jodi to arrange the appropriate equipment is set up at these screening stations
Rearrange furniture to ensure social distancing (sitting area and dining area and outdoor space)
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Keri and Becky are meeting with Mark on 06.05.20
Adapt the coat closet to ensure barriers between members personal items: coats/clothing/purses/etc.
Keri Schreiter
Keri will meet with Jodi to determine best equipment for the barrier
Increase hand hygiene stations throughout the areas
Keri Schreiter
Keri will work with Jodi to obtain the appropriate hand hygiene supplies
Adapt the dining room table arrangements and seating for meals with two members per table
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Keri and Becky are meeting with Mark on 06.05.20
Create a new cleaning guidance for staff’s during the day cleaning and end of day cleaning tasks.
Keri Schreiter
Keri will update the current cleaning schedule and education will be provided to Club Gabriel staff on 06.10.20
3. Engagement Adaptations
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Create a process for morning refreshment, noon meal, and afternoon refreshment services for maintenance of social distancing and mask removal to eat.
Keri Schreiter
Create a dual programming engagement calendar for Club Gabriel and Memory Reflections
Keri Schreiter
Cleaning schedule/process for engagement supplies
Keri Schreiter
Remove puzzles, magazines, and other types of spontaneous engagement supplies that would be “high touch” by multiple members
Keri Schreiter
No group engagement participation in other settings on campus: daily mass, villa engagements, outings, etc.
Keri Schreiter
4. Transportation Services
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Determine the number of members who will need transportation and times for transports
Keri Schreiter
Determine the number of members who can transport per vehicle at one time (2 or 3?) to maintain social distancing
Keri Schreiter
Steve Rosenbaum
Update current cleaning schedule and routine of vehicles after each transport
Steve Rosenbaum
Currently: 16 of the 37 members utilize our transportation services
Keri Schreiter
Club Gabriel/Memory Connections/Memory Reflections staff to meet the drivers and family members at the main designated entrance to complete the screening. Family members would wait outside while the person is screened in the event symptoms are noted that were not reported during phone screen and to transport the member back home
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Education tools are being created
Develop an education communication with families regarding phone screening process prior to being transported to SPES that emphasizes a member being unable to attend even with one symptom and guidance for return to participate if ill
Becky Reichelt
Becky and Keri are meeting to review educational offerings
Although this is already an ADS guidance, Club Gabriel members should not share transport with any other member from campus in the vehicle
Keri Schreiter
Education to drivers
Meet with Steve Rosenbaum (Lead Driver) to discuss action plan and his responsibilities
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Meet with Steve the week of May 26
5. Symptom Screening Process
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Review with Corey/Jodi for adequate amount of PPE with restarting of programs
Keri Schreiter
Keri will arrange a meeting with Jodi and Corey
Replicate screening stations already used on campus at LE and MCRC entrances
Keri Schreiter
Utilize the same screening log that we currently use for community-based clients
Keri Schreiter
Replicate the same process for phone screening of members as used for SPAH clients to obtain screening answers prior to transport to SPES
Keri Schreiter
Education to staff on 06.10.20
Provide cloth masks to each member. Develop process to launder the masks on campus?
Keri Schreiter
Keri will arrange a meeting with Anne
6. Communication Plan
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Communicate with responsible parties regarding re-opening plan
Keri Schreiter
Currently making calls
Update ADRC, VA, Community Care, Inc., Alz. Assn., FVMP, and other referral sources regarding re-opening plan and date
Becky Reichelt
Currently sending communications
Update to SPES regarding re-opening plan
Sondra Norder
Email sent to SPES
Social media posting
Becky Reichelt
Becky will meet with Mandy and Annie
Inform Bureau of Assisted Living of re-opening date and plan
Becky Reichelt
Becky has been playing phone tag with Kathy Lyons, Deputy Director BAL
Update WADSA on re-opening plan
Becky Reichelt
Becky has already updated WADSA President
7. Associates
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Update Amber Borchert regarding re-opening date for removal of staff on SNF, Villa, Manor schedules
Keri Schreiter
Schedule staff meeting prior to re-opening to education them on these new processes
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Meeting scheduled for 06.10.20
Review infection control practices for all interactions including medication administration, food service, adl support, etc.
Keri Schreiter
Becky Reichelt
Request Corinne to offer education
8. Miscellaneous
Action Steps
Responsible Party
Targeted Completion Date
Update emergency plan/COOP Plan
Keri Schreiter
Curative Connections COVID-19 prevention measures
Employee self-check in the morning. If they do not feel well, they must contact their supervisor to report symptoms. If they symptoms include shortness of breath, dry cough and/or fever, they must report this to HR. HR will then __________.
Transportation personnel will use the following process for transporting clients to Curative Connections programming:
All personnel will wear masks during client transports.
Prior to clients boarding the vehicle, personnel will ask clients if they feel well and use a laser scanner to take their temperatures.
If the temperature is below __, they will be allowed to transport.
If the temperature is above ___, they will not be allowed to come to Curative for services. Personnel will contact the dispatch office to inform them of the client’s illness. Transportation staff will email (or call?) program staff to inform them of the client’s illness.
Curative will communicate with caregivers and clients alike that they must be well before they can be allowed to come to Curative Connections for services.
All people entering the building’s west side entrance will be screened for wellness and risk. At the west entrance, all clients and staff will check in at the Meridian temperature reader. Program or nursing staff will use hand held laser thermometers for clients or staff unable to use the Meridian device. People whose temperatures are above ____ will not be allowed to remain at Curative.
All people entering the building through our main entrance will check in at the front desk and be temperature-checked using a hand held laser thermometer. Staff and clients will not be required to sign the visitor log, but people who are not staff or clients will be required to sign in as well as temperature checked. In addition,
The building has several additional disinfecting resources in place:
At the building’s entrances there are hand sanitizers that people should use when they enter and exit.
Disinfecting wipes are in place in program spaces, offices and vehicles. Staff should use them regularly.
Programs have disinfecting wipe containers on each table, and staff will wipe down tables mid-morning, after lunch and at the end of the program day.
Each day prior to the beginning of services, the building is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, including bathrooms, floors, surfaces, door handles, and kitchen spaces.
All staff and clients will be required to wear masks. Curative will provide two cloth masks for each client; each mask will be coded such that clients will have their own masks. As they leave for the day, they will put their masks in a laundry bin situated near the program exit. Facilities staff will wash these masks daily following normal disinfecting cleaning protocols.
Staff and clients alike will maintain physical distancing throughout the day, a minimum of six feet.
For clients who require personal care assistance, staff will wear gloves, face masks and face shields.
Curative will have reminder messaging throughout our building to reinforce hand washing, proper sneeze and cough protocols, and physical distancing.
Curative will provide staff with masks, as well as gloves and face shields when needed for clients who need personal cares.
Physical distancing in program spaces will be reinforced through limiting chairs at tables, and separating tables and chairs.
Staff will re-think curricula and activities in light of physical distancing requirements.