American Adoption Congress
American Adoption Congress: Educating, Empowering, Evolving Donate

Product Page - 4 Friday Evening Events
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4 Friday Evening Events
$115.00 USD

Cocktail Reception

Awards Dinner

Keynote Play
: 'Homeful' by  Amy Mihyang Ginther (Highland Ballroom)
What is an authentic life experience? What does a young person learn from living abroad and traveling the world? What wisdom and foolishness should be 
experienced in our 20s? After graduating college, Amy decides to leave US to figure out who she is and what is important. When events compel her to return to home, Amy navigates a more internal journey, redefining her relationship to roots, self and shifting communities directed by Desiree Burch. The show is autobiographical in nature. There is some offensive language and a few references to drug use. 

Dance and Conference Celebration - DJ & Entertainment 
