Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS



Abstract deadline extended: Friday, January 12, 2024

The National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, founded in 1988, is an annual event that offers social workers, allied professionals, and people affected by HIV and AIDS the connections, tools, learning opportunities, and strategies they need to understand and implement effective practices in their agencies and communities. Our goals for attendees of the 36th National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS (NCSWH) are to gain knowledge, be challenged, and be renewed.

The 2024 conference will be held May 22-25, 2024, at Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace Disney.  Our reason for choosing Florida is simple: To end HIV & AIDS, we must show up with courage and be prepared to support the marginalized communities facing this injustice. Social Workers have an ethical obligation to advocate for those affected by the current social climate in Florida.

The 2024 theme is " Our Fight for Justice and Equity to End HIV and AIDS." Social workers know that HIV and AIDS are not merely health issues but are often a result of poverty, racism, homophobia, and stigma. We will not see an end to the HIV and AIDS epidemic without addressing the systems and policies that perpetuate social injustice and continue to contribute to health inequities.

The NCSWH Program committee invites proposals that support our theme emphasizing Social Work’s role in ending the epidemic. Proposals highlighting community-led responses, strategies for achieving equitable access to care, anti-oppression/anti-racism work, and content created or co-created by people living with HIV will be prioritized. We also seek proposals highlighting work with populations disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS and those with unique needs due to their diagnosis. For example, by 2030, up to 70% of people living with HIV will be over 50. People aging with HIV are vulnerable to the ailments that come with living longer and are more likely to experience loneliness and stigma.

Additionally, activists of the civil rights and women’s movements have paved the way for our understanding of the importance of radical self-care in doing this type of work. Self-care will be an essential component of the conference so that participants feel nourished, rejuvenated, and equipped to counter the burnout that often occurs in our profession.

We welcome you to submit a proposal that aligns with our conference theme and goals. We also welcome proposals ranging from topics of interest to those new to the field and proposals that take a deeper dive for more seasoned professionals.  As a part of your proposal, please describe how your session will be engaging and interactive for attendees. Also, please note there is a limit of two proposal submissions per primary presenter.   

Special Accommodations 

If receiving the following information in an alternate format is needed or determined to be helpful, please get in touch with  Please allow time for staff to obtain, confirm receipt, and respond to any special accommodations requested.  

Persons with Lived Experience/Expertise
Persons with lived experience/expertise are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract. If additional assistance or support is needed in completing a proposal, please get in touch with Bianca Hannon at before the January 20th deadline.

Presentation Dates: 

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
  • Friday, May 24, 2024
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024
The instructor/presenter qualifications are requirements of the Association of Social Work Boards' Approved Continuing Education (ASWB ACE) program.
Presenters of continuing education courses must have professional qualifications in good standing with their professional regulatory board, if applicable, AND meet one or more of the following criteria below.

Abstract Submission  Requirements and General Outline
Abstract submission requirements are governed by the Association of Social Work Boards (AWSB). Collaborative Solutions, Inc. (ACE Provider Approval #1548) is approved to offer continuing social work education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Collaborative Solutions, Inc. maintains responsibility for this course(s). ACE Provider Approval Period: 05/16/2021 – 05/16/2024."

Presenter Qualifications
At least one “Primary/Lead Presenter" must be selected for each presentation. The selected person must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • This presenter is a faculty member of an accredited undergraduate or graduate school of social work;
  • This presenter has received specialized graduate or postgraduate-level training in the subject taught in the program -OR-
  • This presenter has extensive experience, including no less than five years of practical application or research on the course taught.  Note: Experience is valued and can replace the formal education requirement.  
Co-presenters are not required to meet the parameters stated above, but conference sessions must be presented by the individual(s) noted within the abstract submission.

There is one exception to the "Qualifications for the Primary/Lead Presenter." The NCSWH Program Committee might identify a grassroots-led, traditionally underrepresented, or unconventional initiative that is achieving positive results and deemed a best practice appropriate for sharing on a larger scale. Event organizers reserve the right to incorporate these initiatives without offering continuing education (CE) credit.

This type of scenario will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If you believe your proposed abstract deserves this type of consideration, please submit an abstract and note “Presenter Exception Requested.”

Learning Objectives Are Required
Abstract submissions are required to include a minimum of three (3) learning objectives that are clear, measurable, and achievable. We will not accept “N/A or not applicable.” Each learning outcome should be measurable and/or observable and should illustrate knowledge or a skill that participants can demonstrate after completing the course. 

Example: "Upon completion, the participant will be able to..." 
Use action words to begin your learning objective, such as "list, describe, define, demonstrate, conduct, etc."

For more guidance on how to effectively write objectives, click here.

Three (3) Current Citations Are Required
A minimum of three (3) up-to-date (within the last 10 years) citations to support your work should be submitted in the APA-approved format (Guidance: APA Format, Purdue University). We will not accept “N/A or not applicable.”

Proposal Types
  •  Poster Presentation: Presenters must be present in person on Friday, May 24, 2024. Presentations should focus on the rationale for the study and how the results provide new insights and/or mechanisms utilizing visual posters.  Poster Dimension:  48” x 60”. Easel and  Push Pins provided by the conference  
  • 75-Minute Session: These are intended to be more in-depth presentations on varied topics such as direct practice, education, research, policy, etc. These sessions will be offered concurrently during 75-minute periods. Please indicate whether your presentation will be geared toward a beginning, intermediate, or advanced audience. Sessions are expected to be engaging, interactive, and to last throughout the assigned 75-minute time frame. PowerPoint may be used in these sessions if so desired.
  • 60-Minute Session: Conversations on Best Practices: Presenters in this category will facilitate an informal discussion describing a vignette from their practice that illustrates a thorny problem. Vignettes can be drawn from work with a client, a resource issue, an ethical dilemma, an administrative problem encountered, or perhaps a supervisory issue. You should provide an overview of the vignette, raise questions for consideration and then facilitate a discussion whereby those present can develop a “best practices” solution. These sessions should be naturally informal and conversational and are expected to last throughout the assigned 60-minute timeframe. PowerPoint may be used in these sessions if so desired.
  • Pre-Conference Session: Intensive Training Course (1/2 day session). The purpose of the pre-conference is to provide more intensive training that connects theory to practice that can be offered. The presenter offers a deeper dive into the selected topic, which must include the delivery of 3.5 hours of content (not including the provided breaks). 
Pre-Conference Presenter Stipend: Because pre-conference sessions are more intense and require an exceptional level of preparation, speaker(s) selected to facilitate a pre-conference session will be offered a total stipend of $1,500 per session (to be divided as the presenting team sees fit), a $525 travel stipend per presenter, a complimentary 1-day registration per presenter, and one night of lodging per presenter.

If you have any questions, contact Bianca at