Please complete the information below and click the submit button at the end of the form, to confirm your support of the 2025 AHTCC Annual Meeting:
Sponsoring Organization:
Sponsor's Logistics Contact Name:
Sponsor's Logistics Contact Email Address:
Sponsor's Logistics Contact Phone Number:
Complimentary Registrations
Digital Event Program
Please select the level at which you would like to sponsor the 2025 AHTCC Annual Meeting from the list below. Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Sponsorships will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. As those options are reserved, they will be removed from the list of opportunities below.
AUTHORIZATION: Please type your name below to acknowledge that you have authorization to make a commitment to support the AHTCC Annual Meeting at the level indicated above. Your company agrees to make timely payment of the full support amount within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Invoices will be sent to the billing contact shortly after the AHTCC receives this form.
Thank you for your support!