The PLSC represents land surveyors’ interests in the State, proposes new legislation and changes to existing legislation as the industry’s needs change, and works with the State Board of Licensure as an advocate for Land Surveyors. PLSC Chapters include: Central Colorado Professional Surveyors (CCPS), Colorado Spatial Reference Network of the PLSC (CSRN), Northern Chapter—PLSC (NCPLSC), Northwest 1/4 Colorado Land Surveyors (NW1/4CLS), Southern Colorado Professional Land
Surveyors (SCPLS), Southwest Chapter PLSC (SWPLSC) and Western Colorado Land Surveyors (WCLS). Voting membership includes NSPS membership. Others can add this option.
PLSC memberships are January 1 - December 31. Memberships are not considered complete until payment is received.