Ocean City
Light Tackle Club
"Dedicated to the promotion of light tackle in off-shore angling, sportsmanship, and conserving marine life."
Event Registration - Ocean City Light Tackle Club
This event has completed.

4/6/2024 - 4/11/2024

Event Description
Registration for 77th OCLTC Derby - Guatemala
(Note:  Your registration is NOT official until your fee is received by Zach Newton, the Derby Chairman)

Greetings! I am pleased to announce the 77th annual Ocean City Light Tackle Club Derby will be held April 6th-11th 2024 at Casa Vieja Lodge in Puerto San Jose Guatemala.
  • The 2024 OCLTC Derby will feature 3 days of fishing with a fun-day/warm up day. 
  •  We will have a fun-day/warm-up day on Sunday the 7th with derby fishing days the 8th, 9th, and 10th.
  •  The Derby format is set up so we will have 2-person teams with 4 anglers per boat and each angler allowed one rod at a time.  
We will be using 20# test Hi Viz tournament grade line and it will be supplied to each participant prior to the tournament.
Travel and Accommodations:
You are responsible for your travel arrangements from your starting point to the airport in Guatemala City. The lodge will handle travel to and from the airport to their facilities.
We have reserved the finest sportfishing boats the lodge has to offer and we will announce boat draws and team assignments closer to the date of the derby.
The cost of the Derby is $5,500 per angler. 
Anglers will be taken on a first come, first served basis with a maximum of 28. Your registration is based upon the date your check/payment is received. 
A deposit of $2,750 is required to reserve a place in the Derby.  Please pay by credit card using the Paypal system.  If you must pay by check, make them payable to OCLTC with “OCLTC 2024 Derby” written on the memo line and mail to your treasurer.  Members will be given until May 1st, 2023 to tender their deposit.
Final Payment will be due by October 31st, 2023.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 410-808-7394.
Warmest Regards,

Zach Newton

On the next screen, you will need to enter the email address on file with the club to access the Online Registration.  This is how we know you are a member.


Connect with us
Fishing Headquarters
Ocean City, Maryland, USA

Property of Ocean City Light Tackle Club   All Rights Reserved.