Calendar of Events - National Association for Academies of Science
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Registration is now open for the 17th Annual Washington State Academy of Science (WSAS) Symposium, AI for Washington State: Using Artificial Intelligence to explore, discover and understand
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize everything from research to education and healthcare. Join members of Washington’s research community, as well as policymakers, industry professionals and other stakeholders to explore the opportunities as well as challenges related to AI in research. 
A stellar line up of keynote speakers and panelists will discuss how AI is already used in three areas are critically important in the state: agriculture and forestry; climate change and sustainability; and health and life sciences. View the complete agenda and list of speakers on our website

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9/25/20249:00am to 5:00pmDonna Gerardi

NAAS Governing Board meets second Fridays in most months

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10/4/20243:00pm to 5:00pm

NAAS Governing Board meets second Fridays in most months

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10/11/20243:00pm to 5:00pm

We host monthly Chats to learn from each other! Join us!
RSVP here

June 28 – Selecting & funding Junior Academy delegates for the American Junior Academy of Science
July through September – 3 part series on Governance
July 19 – The role of a board  (Essential responsibilities and Secrets of Success for Board members)
August 23 – Operations (Financial management & administrative basics, staffing models)
September 20 – Transparency & Longevity (Recordkeeping, archiving, software & SOPs)
October 18 (tentative) –  Sigma Xi partnership
November 15 – AAAS and the STEMM Opportunity Alliance
December 13 –  Annual Meetings

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10/18/20243:30pm to 5:00pm

The New Mexico Research Symposium (NMRS) will be hosted October 19, 2024, by the New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS), held in conjunction with the New Mexico Science Teachers’ Association (NMSTA) Fall Conference, and collaboratively organized with New Mexico’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR), taking place at the University of New Mexico. NMRS is an annual conference with oral presentations, a poster competition, and outstanding science teacher awards.  The conference is geared to undergraduate and graduate students from New Mexico’s colleges and universities and to science teachers and faculty members.  In 2023, seventy-three undergraduate and graduate students participated and were joined by thirty-nine teachers, faculty members, and symposium partners.  First, second, and third place awards are given to students in the undergraduate and graduate categories. Awards co-sponsored by NMAS and the local American Chemical Society chapter recognize two outstanding science teachers from across the state each year.

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10/19/2024Contact event host for Specific Times

NAAS Governing Board meets second Fridays in most months

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11/1/20243:00pm to 5:00pm

NAAS Governing Board meets second Fridays in most months

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11/1/20243:00pm to 5:00pm

NAAS Governing Board meets second Fridays in most months

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11/8/20243:00pm to 5:00pm

We host monthly Chats to learn from each other! Join us!
RSVP here

June 28 – Selecting & funding Junior Academy delegates for the American Junior Academy of Science
July through September – 3 part series on Governance
July 19 – The role of a board  (Essential responsibilities and Secrets of Success for Board members)
August 23 – Operations (Financial management & administrative basics, staffing models)
September 20 – Transparency & Longevity (Recordkeeping, archiving, software & SOPs)
October 18 (tentative) –  Sigma Xi partnership
November 15 – AAAS and the STEMM Opportunity Alliance
December 13 –  Annual Meetings

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11/15/20243:30pm to 5:00pm

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