PFAS Seminar
7:30 AM - 3:45 PM Eastern
7:30 AM - 3:45 PM Eastern

Event Description
**Please note: As of 8.19.2024 we are SOLD-OUT and registration is closed at this time. We are on a waiting list so if you are interested in attending, please email or call 517-641-7377.
2024 PFAS Seminar on Thursday, August 22 at Eagle Eye in Bath
Seminar designed and hosted by the MWEA PFAS Coordination Committee.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large and complex class of anthropogenic compounds whose prevalence in the environment are an emerging, widespread priority in environmental and human health. The MWEA PFAS Coordination Committee is hosting a seminar where experts from across the state will convene to discuss emerging PFAS science including PFAS properties, fate & transport, and sampling & analysis. Additional focus will include regulatory updates, legislative initiatives, risk analysis, and real life impact scenarios. Whether you're a researcher, policymaker, treatment plant operator, farmer, or concerned citizen, this event promises valuable insights and proactive strategies to safeguard our water resources and communities. Don't miss your chance to be part of the conversation shaping Michigan's environmental future.
WHO should attend? This seminar is intended to provide a well rounded understanding of PFAS in the municipal wastewater cycle for a diverse audience. The day will begin with a general session consisting of common interest topics followed by breakout sessions that will have separate municipal and agriculture topics of interest. This seminar will be of value to owners and operators of municipal wastewater treatment plants, public officials, biosolids contractors, biosolids users (farmers), policy makers, Water Resource/Drain Commissioners, etc.
Click here to view the full agenda *UPDATED Agenda as of 8.16.2024
Agilent Technologies
Clearbrooke Technologies
Eurofins Environment Testing
Merit Laboratories
Metiri Group
Taplin Group
*Please note EXHIBIT BOOTH and SPONSORSHIPS are sold-out.
Setting: In-Person
Eagle Eye Banquet Facility
15500 Chandler Rd
Bath, MI 48808
Eagle Eye Banquet Facility
15500 Chandler Rd
Bath, MI 48808
Contact Person
MWEA - Allison Wood
(phone: 517-641-7377)
(phone: 517-641-7377)
CEC/PDH Information:
CECS Available: 0.6 WW Technical / 6 PDHEGLE Course Code: 3299
Attendee Registration Costs
*MWEA/WEF Member - $195*Non-Member - $295
Student or intern rate - $75
Retired rate - $100
*Register before 08.01.24 to receive $10 off registration costs!
Exhibitor / Sponsor Registration Costs
SPONSOR - $250
- Company name and/or logo on pre-conference marketing and advertising
- Company name and/or logo on sponsorship signage prominently displayed during the seminar
- Company LOGO on final printed agenda on-site at seminar
- Up to THREE (3) CUSTOM slides in the seminar powerpoint loop (played during registration and on breaks and meals)
- Must be sent no later than 1 week before event for inclusion in loop, otherwise a slide with your company logo will be used
- 60-Second Company Update at the seminar (if in attendance)
- Final attendee list with contact information including email addresses for those who opt-in
- Note: A sponsorship does NOT include seminar attendance or an exhibit booth. Those can be added separately.
- ONE Complimentary Registration to this Seminar
- Company Logo/Name on all seminar advertising
- Company NAME on final printed agenda on-site at seminar
- ONE (1) CUSTOM slide in the seminar powerpoint loop (played during registration and on breaks and meals)
- Must be sent no later than 1 week before event for inclusion in loop, otherwise a slide with your company logo will be used
- Final attendee list with contact information including email addresses for those who opt-in
- Opportunity to provide swag, gifts, and/or prize drawing for participants (at your own cost)
- Provided table space at In-Person Seminar to use for displaying signage, product materials, swag, etc
- 60 second company update at the seminar
- Each exhibitor booth includes ONE complimentary seminar attendance
- This option is to add an additional exhibitor representative (individual) at a discounted rate
For additional 2024 exhibiting opportunities click HERE!
Email Reminder