Distribution Operator Review
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Mountain
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Calendar Events
Event Description
CRWA teaches a course on water distribution systems and the operator. The course starts with an introduction to what a distribution operators’ responsibilities are. Explains the hydrological cycle and value of surface and ground water. The course will explain the basics of how elevation creates the pressure for the system. The regulatory requirements for storage tank inspections and sampling requirements. Will touch on different pipe material and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Will discuss the methods of bedding, backfilling and disinfection of pipe during excavation, repair, and installation of new lines. We will also discuss meter reading and water loss and programs to identify and correct these problems. The conclusion will talk about managerial, financial, and technical responsibilities.  CRWA provides this class both in person and via a live webinar format.  No pre-recorded webinar content is used for training units.
Max TUs .4
Water         .0 
Wasterwater   .0 
Industrial    .0 
Distribution  .4 
Collection    .0
Setting: In-Person
City of Walsenburg
525 S. Albert Ave.
Walsenburg, CO 81090

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Contact Person
Tim Plata
(phone: 7195659618)
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