Lead and Copper (LCRR) Rule Revisions - A confident and prepared approach.
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Mountain
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Calendar Events
Event Description

This Course will provide an overview of how to properly develop, implement, and track a lead and copper plan in a rural water system. It will demonstrate how to access and use CDPHE guidance documents to assure compliance with a lead and copper sampling plan and lead and copper rule revisions It will review materials surveys, sample collection and results, action level exceedance procedures, consumer notification, and other tools and tracking templates. Operators will receive a crash course on remaining compliant with the LCRR and view all guidance and tracking materials on the CDPHE website.
TUs  .2
Water Treatment  . 2  
Wastewater Treatment .0
Industrial Wastewater Treatment .0
Water Distribution  .2
Wastewater Collection 0.
Setting: Live Virtual
Contact Person
Tim Plata
(phone: 17195659618)
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