9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Eastern
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
ARCI Meeting
Racing Industry Meeting
Notable Event
Racing Industry Meeting
Notable Event
Event Description
The ARCI Model Rules committee will meet to consider proposed additions or revisions to the "Model Rules of Racing", the document that serves as the foundation for the horseracing regulatory scheme in North America. The meeting is open to the public.
There is no charge to attend the meeting in person. There will be online participation and ARCI Regulatory and Associate Members will be afforded first priority. There is no charge for ARCI Members participating online.
Non-members seeking to partipate online will be charged a $150 registration fee to help offset costs associated with the meeting.
All attendees are requited to Register for the meeting.
There is no charge to attend the meeting in person. There will be online participation and ARCI Regulatory and Associate Members will be afforded first priority. There is no charge for ARCI Members participating online.
Non-members seeking to partipate online will be charged a $150 registration fee to help offset costs associated with the meeting.
All attendees are requited to Register for the meeting.
Setting: Hybrid
Saratoga Hilton Hotel (Travers-Alabama Room)
534 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, Ne 12866
click here for Google Maps
Saratoga Hilton Hotel (Travers-Alabama Room)
534 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, Ne 12866
click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Wendy Culberson
(phone: 859-224-7070)
(phone: 859-224-7070)
The ARCI Model Rules Committee meets at least three times each year to update the "Model Rules of Racing" and make recommendations to the ARCI Membership and Board of Directors. The Model Rules process is an open, inclusive process.
Issues on the docket for the upcoming meeting may include the following: caluculation of payouts and distribution of pools; toe grabs in Quarter Horse contests; requirements on racing officials; beneficial horse ownership; various safety equipment provisions for standardbred racing.
Issues on the docket for the upcoming meeting may include the following: caluculation of payouts and distribution of pools; toe grabs in Quarter Horse contests; requirements on racing officials; beneficial horse ownership; various safety equipment provisions for standardbred racing.
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