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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Vol 16, No 2 (2013)

Evaluating Educational Voucher Program in China: A Case of Changxing County
Henan Cheng
Using the Changxing Educational Voucher Program as an example, this paper presents a preliminary analysis of the origin, development, and current situation of educational voucher programs in China. More specifically, through adopting a comprehensive analytical framework, the research investigates the overall strengths and weaknesses of the Changxing Voucher Program in comparison with traditional Chinese public schools. It is found that the overall strengths of the Changxing Voucher Program outweigh its weaknesses, although the program appears to favor the principles of equity and social cohesion at the expense of freedom of choice and efficiency.

Keywords: educational voucher, school choice, privatization of education
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ISSN: 1526-8659