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resep masakan indonesia
Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Vol 16, No 2 (2013)

Social Class, Culture, and Asian Social Positioning: Rethinking Education and Power in the New Millennium
Guofang Li
The exclusions of Asians in public discussions on poverty has led to some scholars conclude that Asians presents a category crisis in the American conceptions of class and class mobility (Chang, 2003). In this article, I highlight the influence of social class, culture, and Asian social positioning on Asian immigrants’ educational experiences. First, I provide a discussion on how social class matters in Asian students’ early literacy development, their family resources and school achievement, and their college preparation, choices, and experiences. I then draw attention to issues related to social class, culture, and agency in Asian American education. By highlighting the power of social class and the actions and choices made by Asian Americans, this article provides a complete picture of the Asian Americans’ educational experiences within the macro-structural and cultural critique. I conclude by raising a series of critical questions to help us rethink our positioning in the society and in educating our next generation.

Key words: Social class, social position-ing, culture, Asian American, power, education
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ISSN: 1526-8659