1) Call to order
2) Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge
3) Public Comments and Announcements:
5) Approve Consent Agenda:
6) Regular Agenda
6.1) Approve Resolution No. 2020-05 to approve submission of grant application for the Coronavirus Emergency Supplement Funding Program to the Office of the Governor to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus. (O'Carroll)
6.2) Approve Resolution No. 2020-06 to approve submission of grant application for the Stone Garden Project to the Office of the Governor to help prevent and reduce border-related criminal activity. (O'Carroll)
6.3) Approve Resolution 2020-07 to adopting rules and procedures regarding public comments and announcements for all City Council Meetings and providing an effective date. (McNulty)
6.4) Update on monthly permit activity for the months of February and March 2020. (Delgado)
6.5) Discussion and possible action to reopen City Parks with restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (McNulty)
6.6) Discussion and possible action regarding budget cuts for marketing, special events, personnel and the marketing recovery plan. (Ricco, McNulty, Caum)
7) Adjourn.
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